The final straw for me is the newest University Expansion for Sims 4. But with a closer look at these Sims 4 Expansions, a good knowledge of the expanse of stuff that we got with Sims 3, the Expansions aren't giving us what we are paying for anymore. It might seem like they do because the base game is so bland that any addition becomes exciting to begin with. Even though the base game is boring, the expansions don't amplify that base game much at all.

You can't travel the map in vehicles, your Careers are pretty plain and after hours of gameplay you're bored of sitting and watching your sims develop their skills. The Sims 4 base game is basically already a stripped down, cartoony version of Sims 3. Now it seems like you pay almost the amount of the base game every time you purchase an Expansion and you're left wishing there was more to it. The Sims 3 Expansions gave you a lot of stuff, loads of different interactions with people, objects, careers etc.

It seems increasingly more obvious how little effort is going into the new Sims 4 and the accompanying Expansions.