You may need to click "more info" and allow the application to run. If you want to see some of my other content see the links below. Use the "M" key on your keyboard to minimize and show the window when needed. This application is independent from the Escape From Tarkov files. I was very careful not to interact with tha game itself. This application is just a very simple windows app which shows images and stays on top of things.

I didn't make any of the maps, I included some maps from the official Tarkov wiki for convenience and I do not claim any rights to them nor do they fall under the License of this project. #Escape from tarkov crosshair overlay license #Escape from tarkov crosshair overlay softwareĭismiss Join GitHub today GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Launching Xcode If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. Failed to load latest commit information. custom cross-hair for any game (mumble doesn't work for me) Tarkov Map Overlay Here is a video if you would like to see how the overlay works A simple application to show you a map while playing Tarkov.Īm I allowed to use this? Will I get banned? Known issues and future plans The window listens to click events when you look in your inventory or stash.Login Register Login Remember me. Lost Password? Joined: Nov Reputation: I got bored so I decided to rewrite my External Crosshair tool from scratch in C.

Community: Explore thousands of designs created by the Crosshair X community.

You can start out with a featured pro Crosshair or a community design, then make adjustments to create a custom gaming solution that takes your aim to the next level. Get a competitive edge by customizing your crosshair to be clear and precise on every game you play.